Episode: 27

Why Seeking Professional Help When You Need It – Is A Must! – Part 2

Successful Relationships

“A relationship has 3 things. Their lives, Your life, and Your Life together.” – Sasha Gardner

This is second part of a two-part episode where I am joined by the lovely Sasha Gardner. Sasha Gardner is a personal trainer and lover of personal development. She is also a previous client of mine who I now also have the privilege of calling a dear friend. The first part of this conversation is on episode 26- Why Seeking Professional Help When You Need It- Is A Must! If you haven’t already listened to it, I would highly suggest doing so before listening to this episode as it’s a continuation. 

This week’s episode discusses how Sasha’s transformation through our coaching sessions and her own personal development work has influenced her life and relationships. 

We also speak about the following:

  1. How do you make sure that you are filling up your own emotional cup first before taking care of everyone else’s needs?
  2. The importance of spending time with yourself and learning to appreciate and love yourself.
  3. Creating a balance with your partners so there is no power imbalances that can create conflict and unhealthy codependency.
  4. The importance of your inner dialogue and how it affects you’re overall life.

Plus much more!

This episode is a beautiful and inspirational continuation around a topic that is much needed in a world where we are always bombarded with images and stories of other people’s lives and expectations of what it means to be happy and successful. 

 If you would also like to work with me and get the same amazing results that Sasha got, just send me an email at anne@annehellgren.com

Or Click this Calendly Link to schedule a FREE 30-minute Private Coaching Session with me! My thanks for being a listener and because I want you to win 2023 and beyond!

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Connect with Sasha Garner: 

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