Episode: 76
Seeking Clarity: The Path to Self-Awareness

“Self-awareness is not a destination we get to. It is a journey and a process that never really stops- and there is great beauty in that!” – Anne Hellgren
I am joined by Vipoola Devani, a Conscious Relationship Consultant and Self-awareness Advocate. Vipoola and I discuss what it means to be self-aware and how we can increase our self-awareness so we attain the things that matter to us in all areas of our lives. We also share our journeys on self-awareness, the hardships, and good, and the consequences of not having self-awareness at certain times of our lives.
You will be taken into a deep but very inspiring conversation about why it’s important to embark on our journeys of knowing who we truly are, authentically, and what we are called to do with our lives.
Also, we discuss what happens when we go through life ignoring our true selves in exchange for what others call us to be or do. To live a fulfilled life, the one meant for you and only you, I believe it’s essential that we stop listening to all the outside noises from our cultures, religions, society, and upbrings – that do not serve us. Instead, take what serves you from your programming and upbringing, then incorporate new ideologies that serve your higher authentic self more appropriately!
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With love, xx
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