Episode: 32


red flag

 “When it comes to your truth, never let others convince you that you don’t know, what you know.”

It’s fair to say that we have all come across a situation where we saw or felt that something wasn’t right, or it was even horribly wrong but ignored our thinking and feelings. This episode explores how to identify the red flags in your relationships and in your partners or potential ones, and why you need to get away from those situations and people sooner rather than later!

As usual, I bring up examples of my own experiences in an effort to help others realize that they are not alone in what they may be experiencing. And even more important to help others realize that there is a better way of navigating through life than what we may be currently experiencing. 

I have had my share of red flags that I have ignored. And unsurprisingly, I wish I hadn’t and trusted my intuition, but only when I had lost something significant like my efforts, resources, money, and most valuably – my time!

  • Do you have negative nagging feelings or thoughts that keep you up night after night? Or disturb your emotional or mental peace throughout the day?
  • Are you ignoring someone’s toxic behavior in the hope that YOU will be able to change them?  
  • Is someone doing one thing while verbally promising you another time and again?
  • Do you often feel a lack of respect, trust, and safety in your relationship?

If you or anyone you know may be experiencing red flags in your relationships, but are unsure if they are or what to do, please listen to this episode! It could be the game changer that you’ve been waiting for! 

If you feel you have been affected by any of the topics discussed, please reach out to me at anne@annehellgren.com. I would love to offer you a FREE 20-minute private coaching session with me as a thank you for being a listener. 

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