Episode: 101
Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience

“Who would YOU really be if you:
1.) Got rid of your unwanted cultural, religious, parental or societal programming?
2.) Stopped worrying about what others think of you?
3.) Showed up for yourself and your loved ones more authentically?
Read that again.” – Anne Hellgren
This is an interview I had as a guest on the Soul Purpose Podcast by Caroline Carey. I had a deep, honest and raw conversation about some of the struggles I experienced growing up during my childhood, teen years and adult life.
The aim of sharing this episode is the hope that we can learn that our difficulties do not need to define our future. We have the ability and power to work on ourselves and the healing we need. We can choose another path other than the one we have experienced or normalized through societal, cultural, or other such programming. If we want another path for our life, then we must intentionally and actively choose to do the work to get to where we want to go. It is not easy, but we must be brave enough to break those dysfunctional patterns.
Make sure you listen to the full episode as it is really about inspiring and encouraging people to overcome challenges and thrive past them. This is an impactful episode – one I truly believe everyone should listen to as we all experience certain levels of programming or trauma.
If you have found this useful and know someone who needs to hear this message, please share it with them. It will not only benefit them, but you could also gain the awesome feeling of knowing that you are blessing someone else through your share!
If you want to know more about how to work on overcoming your own challenges or programming, email me at anne@annehellgren.com. Let’s create the future you deserve and desire together!
Please subscribe and rate the podcast if you enjoyed this episode! It would mean a lot to me!
With love, xx