Episode: 15

What Makes for Long Lasting Relationships?

lasting relationship

“Relationships take HARD work. Don’t be fooled. But the thing is, it shouldn’t constantly FEEL like hard work.”

Ever wonder why some people seem to have a great relationship that last for years, while some can’t hold one down for more than a couple of months? Or if you do have a long term relationship, why you are lacking the passion and joy you would like to have?

The simple truth is, long-term HAPPY relationships take hard work. Some people argue that a great relationship should not feel like hard work- and they are right, it shouldn’t FEEL like hard work- but it DOES TAKE hard work. The difference is if you are perceiving the effort you’re putting in to make it work FEEL like more than you wish, then perhaps that person just isn’t worth it for you. However, if you are with the right person, the efforts you put in will not feel hard. Instead you will do them because you WANT to make your partner happy and make the relationship one of joy, passion, and fulfillment!

In this episode, I will share with you 5 things that can help you gain a longer and happier relationship. Are they all easier done- of course not. But for the right person, you can do them and actually take pleasure in doing so!

So stop settling for mediocre and start striving for the best that a relationship with the right person has to offer you both!

If you wish to discuss any of the above, reach out to me on anne@annehellgren.com. I’m pleased to offer my podcast listeners a 30-minute free coaching call as a thank you for listening and subscribing to the podcast!

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