Episode: 71
How Childhood Beliefs Affect Your Relationships

“The programming we receive and the stories we tell ourselves as a result of what happens to us in our childhood is often complex and multiple-faceted. So to fully understand your relationship patterns, be willing to honestly explore yourself deeper and wider.”
– Anne Hellgren
This episode is taken from a new and exciting podcast series I created with 4 other coaches called “Relationship Secrets Unlocked.”
“Relationship Secrets Unlocked” is a uniquely enriching podcast series that presents a holistic view of relationships from an international and culturally diverse perspective. With an expert panel of five relationship coaches hailing from diverse cultural, religious, and professional backgrounds, the series aims to educate listeners about the complexities of human relationships and how to navigate them effectively.
Like this podcast, Relationship Secrets Unlocked is a platform for learning, understanding, and embracing the myriad facets of human relationships. With their varied expertise, the panel presents a comprehensive picture of what makes relationships work, how to navigate challenges, and the role of cultural and religious factors in shaping our experiences. It is an essential resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of human connections and improve their own relationships.
Join Julie Fitzpatrick, Claire Auchmuty, Ksenia Droben, Gazala Saleem, and me as we discuss how our Childhood beliefs consciously or subconsciously affect our attachments, communication, connections, and everything else in our relationships!
As always, if you would like to reach out for a complimentary discovery call, please email me at anne@annehellgren.com. I love hearing from my listeners!
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