Episode: 73
How Absent Fathers Affect Our Future Relationships

“A parent’s physical presence doesn’t automatically meet a child’s emotional and psychological needs. If you have an unhealthy attachment style, or dysfunctional patterns in your relationships – it would serve you highly to examine how your physical, emotional, and psychological needs were met by your parents or carers as a child.” – Anne Hellgren
I am joined by Tyrone Wheeler, a Relationship Coach who helps men heal their relationships with their dad or their father figures in life. Having gone through a period of being absent from his father for over 35 years after the separation of his parents, he went on to experience various challenges in his life. He was affected by this absent relationship with his father and it went on to affect his own adult relationships and marriage.
Only when he did the work on himself, was he able to heal from not just the physical disconnect, but also the emotional disconnect he experienced with his father.
This conversation is something that we as a society need to speak more openly about. If we continue to ignore the importance and impact that absent fathers have on their sons- and not just daughters- we create a society that leaves behind a trail of emotionally broken men. Men who have struggled to form and experience healthy and secure attachments in their relationships. And many times this can also carry a lot of resentment, insecurity, detachment, addictions, and anger. Which, dangerously, are not always even at a conscious level.
Please share this episode with other people in your life. You may be surprised how many people suffer in silence as they struggle to admit that an absent father or father figure has significantly had an impact on them!
As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at anne@annehellgren.com. I love hearing from my listeners!
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With love, Anne xx
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