Episode: 100
Biggest Lessons Learnt from 100 Episodes
“Being right is overrated. Give me Peace Instead.
– Spiritual Peace so I can forgive, let go, and move on.
– Physical Peace so I can invest my presence & time with the right people.
– Emotional Peace so I spend my energy intentionally and joyfully.
– Mental Peace so I have the wisdom of discernment.”
– Anne Hellgren
This episode is a celebration of lessons learnt or shared across the 100 episodes of my podcast! I look back at some of the best and most impactful and most shared episodes and create something I find empowering, insightful, and inspiring!
Here’s the lessons I share with you!
- You are stronger than you think.
- You will have to win wounded.
- Be intentional with your life.
- Practicing gratitude is life-changing.
- Give your pain a purpose.
- Let go of things and people who don’t serve you.
- Learn to love your authentic self.
- Trust and act on your intuition.
- Protect your peace and energy.
- Raise your standards.
I want to thank you all who have been a part of this journey in any capacity! It means so much to me that I’ve made it here and so grateful for all the feedback I’ve been getting!
If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe/follow and like the podcast! It helps me reach out to more people and make the impact I aspire to make globally!
With love and Here’s to many more! Xx